Africa, a new hashtag reveals the continent that doesn’t make the headlines

Africa, a new hashtag reveals the continent that doesn’t make the headlines

We’re used to seeing Africa portrayed in the news as a hotbed of conflict, disease and poverty. Africans are rebelling against the image of the troubled continent through #TheAfricaTheMediaNeverShowsYou. Under this hashtag you can find over 42,000 tweets and retweets covering topics ranging from architecture to fashion, landscapes to social initiatives, history to modern innovations.

Why safe periods help African girls stay in school

Why safe periods help African girls stay in school

Many women find their periods an annoyance. This discomfort is particularly severe for the countless women in developing countries who lack access to menstrual hygiene products. This stops them from going to work, school and respecting their normal daily routine for around 20% of their adult lives.     This situation is made worse by