A Dutch court has ordered Shell to reduce its emissions
A Dutch court has handed down a historic ruling: oil giant Shell will have to cut its emissions to comply with the Paris Agreement.
A Dutch court has handed down a historic ruling: oil giant Shell will have to cut its emissions to comply with the Paris Agreement.
A few of the best ideas for rooftop farms from around the world. Where farm-to-table agriculture is becoming a key components of urban growth.
Princess Viktória de Bourbon de Parme, patron of Save The Children Netherlands, aims to make a difference in children’s lives. And to achieve big results, she’s counting on small farmers.
The city of Utrecht, in the Netherlands, is home to a bridge for cycling and walking that stretches over roof garden of a Montessori school. This project enhances practicality and will allow families to bring children to school by bike, passing through green areas. Despite their functionality, bridges are often seen as an infrastructure that is
This is the first step of the Dutch Government to ban selling diesel and petrol cars in the country. Is the era of the internal combustion engine over?
Curiosa iniziativa di un’associazione olandese che salverà una decina di alberi e li trapianterà su boe riciclate, creando un piccolo bosco galleggiante.
The Netherlands amaze us all again: a tunnel for cyclists and pedestrians has been built underneath Amsterdam’s central railway station to quickly reach the trains, buses and ferries.
L’associazione olandese Urgenda ha organizzato The Climate Miles: una marcia lunga 580 km, dall’Olanda alla Francia, per chiedere di salvare la Terra.
It might not have been chosen as the most beautiful building in the world but the Dutch know what’s what when it comes to innovation and sustainability. The Edge by PLP Architecture is the 40,000 square metre Amsterdam headquarters of consulting firm Deloitte, elected the greenest office building in the world. It was recently awarded the
In the Netherlands there are far many bicycles so much so they took up all the racks as well as public areas in big cities. That’s why the Dutch cycling embassy, a public private network operating in the field of urban planning and mobility in the Netherlands, is collaborating with the Dutch railway company to promote Ov-fiets, a