Paris Agreement. 175 countries have signed

Paris Agreement. 175 countries have signed

Four months after COP21 in Paris, world leaders are called to put their pledges into act. Namely, they must ratify the Paris Agreement, reached after two weeks of negotiations in the French capital in December.   As of today, 22 April, the delegations of 195 countries that took part to the climate change conference can

Fiji leads the world in ratifying the Paris climate agreement

Fiji leads the world in ratifying the Paris climate agreement

Fiji is the first country in the world to ratify the historic COP21 climate agreement negotiated in Paris last December. In demonstration of its commitment to tackling climate change, on 12 February Fiji’s parliament voted unanimously in favour of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.     With this formal agreement the nation seals its leadership role in raising global awareness on the impact

What future for energy after COP21

What future for energy after COP21

The Paris document is important because it is the collective work of 195 countries and the first climate deal that will include some form of action for virtually every nation on the planet. But it also leaves most of the hardest decisions and difficult actions for the future.   The agreement does oblige wealthy, industrialised

COP21. Landmark agreement reached in Paris

COP21. Landmark agreement reached in Paris

The agreement that will allow the world to keep the increase in temperature below 2°C has been reached during the COP21 summit in Paris, after 2 weeks of negotiations.   This is the first deal to propose commitments to all countries, to reduce CO2 emissions. The agreement is partly binding and partly voluntary.   Shortly