Happy lemurs: 7 new reserves established in Madagascar
Le nuove riserve sono state create per proteggere habitat critici che ospitano numerose specie a rischio estinzione.
Le nuove riserve sono state create per proteggere habitat critici che ospitano numerose specie a rischio estinzione.
Escaping the city to dive into nature. Literature, cinema and music often tell stories about urban escapism. For the John Moose folk band, composed of five musicians coming from Värmland’s wild woods, Sweden, environment is a vital issue. To such an extent that they thought to “oblige” their listeners to escape into woods to listen
Today, we are used to receive digital information mostly through wearable electronic devices we always bring with us. However, these devices make us alienate from everything surrounding us. That is why some researchers have been working for almost two decades on so called “calm technologies”, technologies stimulating our attention but not demanding it. Developed
The awaited Pope Francis’ environment encyclical, probably the most expected in the recent history as to be searched, found and published in advance, has finally been officially presented. In the text, the Holy Father makes a plea to protect “our common home”, by combating climate change and other environmental damages, as well as by changing our development
Here are the top 5 most important environmental challenges for sustainability that only those who adopt sustainable behaviours can face.
Secondo l’ultimo censimento effettuato in Russia la popolazione di tigre dell’Amur, il felino più grande del mondo, è in aumento.
In Sri Lanka, a micro-credit project for fisherwomen aims to safeguard and increase mangrove forests.
On 9th June Expo Milano 2015 celebrated the National Day of the Principality of Monaco and Prince Albert was present for the occasion. The members of the band “Les carabiniers de Prince”, authorities and the folk band “La Paladienne” have paraded along the Decumano with traditional dresses and performed local songs before the Prince visited
According to a WWF report, the average European citizen eats 61 kg of soy yearly, 93 percent of which is hidden as animal feed in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.
The province of Khyber Pakhtunkwa will invest 150 million dollars in reforestation, in order to combat climate change.