The plight of the Rohingya, the drifting invisible community

The plight of the Rohingya, the drifting invisible community

The tragedy of people fleeing their lands in order to survive, have a future, and hope for a better life doesn’t involve only the Mediterranean Sea. On the other side of the world there are the Rohingya people, which are officially recognised by the United Nations as the world’s most persecuted and segregated population. The

Where the refugees go, despite themselves

Where the refugees go, despite themselves

Germany, United States, Turkey and Italy. These are the countries that every year reiceive the greatest amount of asylum applications from migrants who leave their country in search for a better place where to rebuild their lives. But there are four destinations pointed out by Quartz that are experiencing an uncommon increase in the number of refugees

The Rohingya: the invisible community persecuted by Buddhists

The Rohingya: the invisible community persecuted by Buddhists

Rohingya people are a Muslim ethnical group living in the Burmese Rakhine State, a region that overlooks the Gulf of Bengal and borders with Bangladesh. Until 1989 these lands were also known as Arakan, whilst Rohingya people’s presence in Rakhine dates back to the 7th century. Today, they account to 800,000 people out of 4