Bernie Sanders. I will defend America, responsibly
Bernie Sanders is the most progressive candidate in the list of names who race to become the next President of the United States. The elections are scheduled for 8 November 2016.
Bernie Sanders is the most progressive candidate in the list of names who race to become the next President of the United States. The elections are scheduled for 8 November 2016.
He’s the most extreme of all candidates to the US presidential primaries. For his attitude as well as for what he says. Billionaire Donald Trump goes strong attacking on many fronts.
Hillary Clinton, born in 1947, is a veritable powerhouse in American politics. Following her husband Bill Clinton’s presidency she became the only first lady to win a public office seat when she was elected Senator in 2001. She was also Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. Tweet riguardo #ImWithHer A clean energy
Secondo uno studio dell’università olandese di Twente circa quattro miliardi di persone nel mondo non hanno acqua a sufficienza per almeno un mese all’anno.
San Francisco has banned the sale of plastic bottles in city properties such as City Hall and public buildings. It is also running a campaign to ask its citizens to use clean and inexpensive tap water instead of contributing to the huge and senseless use of plastic bottles. In fact, Americans use 50 billion plastic
L’animale, ripreso in Arizona dopo anni di ricerche, è minacciato dalla costruzione di una miniera di rame che distruggerebbe il suo territorio.
The Mexican Supreme Court ruled in favour of the legalisation of marijuana on the grounds that prohibiting personal use and possession violates the “right to the free development of personality”. This is yet another demonstration that the emotional debate regarding legalisation has been shifting from issues of national security to the benefits of state regulation,
The advent of the new millennium has seen the rapid, unstoppable growth of what is now the hugely popular organic movement. A multi-billion dollar industry in the United States, in many cases organic means big business, led by corporations often attempting to cut corners in order to maximize profits. Consumers can choose to buy from
If you’ve never heard about the dugong, don’t worry. It is one of the least known marine mammals – very similar to Florida’s manatee – and a shy creature populating the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The calm waters surrounding Okinawa Island, Japan, are home to this rare mammal species, which is particularly dear to the
With the US presidential primaries under way, it’s time to find out what all the fuss is about. Why are they so important and how do they work?