5 medicinal mushrooms for cooking

5 medicinal mushrooms for cooking

The most correct term to describe the action of medicinal mushrooms on the immunity response is “immunomodulation”. Depending on the dose, times of administration and the active ingredient contained, these foods can accelerate or slow down the immune defense. That’s why they are suitable in case of autoimmune diseases, hyperactivity of natural defenses or allergy.

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Three scrumptious purées without potatoes

Sedano rapa e salvia   Ingredienti 2 teste di sedano rapa 1 tazza scarsa di latte parzialmente scremato una manciata di foglie di salvia fresca olio extra vergine di oliva sale marino integrale pepe nero da macinare    Foto © www.brit.co   Preparazione Portate una pentola di acqua a bollire a fuoco medio-alto. Sbucciare e tagliare

Savoury muffins with vegetables

Savoury muffins with vegetables

Ingredients for 9 muffins 150 gr of 00 flour 100 g of fresh cheese 200 gr of mixed vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, beet tops, broccoli, potatoes) 30 g of grated Parmesan cheese Half a bag of baking powder 120 ml of milk 1 egg Extra virgin olive oil A little bit of butter (to grease the

5 mistakes you shouldn’t make when preparing a main-course salad

5 mistakes you shouldn’t make when preparing a main-course salad

To prepare a main-course salad you should follow a few simple rules. Sometimes people don’t abide strictly by the recommended amount of ingredients and they double or, on the contrary, half one of them. These wrong proportions change substantially the benefits of our main-course salad: e.g. it can be too high in calories or poor

Pumpkin and Parmesan cheese croquettes

Pumpkin and Parmesan cheese croquettes

Ingredients 500 g of mashed pumpkin 2 eggs Half a cup of whole wheat flour 2 teaspoonful of powdered yeast 8-10 spoonful of grated Parmesan cheese 2 spoonful of minced fresh rosemary Organic sunflower oil Whole sea salt Black pepper to grind     Preparation Put the mashed pumpkin in a medium-sized bowl. Beat the

Courgette tagliatelle

Courgette tagliatelle

Ingredients for 4 servings 4 big courgettes 1 lemon 4 spoonful of sesame seeds 4 spoonful of grated Parmesan cheese a few leaves of basil 2 knobs of butter or extra virgin olive oil salt     Preparation Clean accurately the courgettes and cut the ends. Use a peeler to slice them lengthwise (leaving the

5 natural detox drinks

5 natural detox drinks

Cleansing the accumulations of toxins in the body helps increasing energy levels and general wellness. Moreover, detoxification is connected to a sense of lightness and loss of “puffiness”. In the book 7-Day Detox Miracle, Sara Faye, Stephen Barrie and Peter Bennett explain that body cleansing can improve the functions of the entire body. According to

Estilo murciano paella

Estilo murciano paella

Marilò, a dear Spanish friend and great cook, wrote the recipe for her mother’s “estilo murciano” paella especially for us. What else to say but, buen provecho!