The European Parliament’s bold plan on the circular economy
We must give back to nature more than we extract. The European Union’s circular economy plan sets the guidelines to embrace this paradigm shift.
We must give back to nature more than we extract. The European Union’s circular economy plan sets the guidelines to embrace this paradigm shift.
In Italy’s Land of Fires between Naples and Caserta, activists like Carmen Medaglia are fighting to promote new ways of managing waste.
The UK welcomes LifeGate PlasticLess, the innovative project against plastic pollution that has already swept over Italy. Portishead receives its first “rubbish bin of the sea” thanks to Whirlpool.
Putting an environmental spin on viral social media trends, the #Trashtag challenge invites people to post before and after pictures of areas cleared from waste.
On the path toward zero waste, 23 pioneering cities and regions committed to significantly cut the amount of waste they generate, to accelerare the transition to a more sustainable future.
The Ocean Array Cleanup invented by Boyan Slat is headed towards the Great Pacific garbage patch where it will begin to gather tonnes of plastic waste accumulated by oceanic currents.
Costa Rica aims to become the world’s first country to adopt a national strategy to end single-use plastic by 2021, as announced by Costa Rican Environment and Energy Minister Edgar Gutiérrez. The decision is part of the plan to make Costa Rica the first carbon-neutral country by 2021. Along with ending single-use plastics, the country
Dopo Adidas, anche Stella McCartney annuncia di voler collaborare con Parley for the oceans per ripulire i mari dalla plastica.
Milan has something to teach other European cities, so much so that it has drawn the attention of New York’s administration. The Italian city is only behind Vienna in terms of efficiency in waste recycling.
At Pappadavada, a famous food joint in Kochi, in the southwest Indian state of Kerala, everybody can bring food for those in need. Its manager, 28-year old Minu Pauline, kicked the initiative off with food provided by the restaurant. She installed a free-standing fridge outside its premises, packing it with fifty meals a day destined for homeless people, available