Those who fight for the climate have no choices: it’s a matter of survival
It’s not possible to prevent people from fighting for the climate. Naomi Klein talked at the Climate Action Zone, Paris. Here’s what she said.
It’s not possible to prevent people from fighting for the climate. Naomi Klein talked at the Climate Action Zone, Paris. Here’s what she said.
The conference on climate taking place in Paris is hosting a number of celebrities. Actors, politicians, activists, the witnesses of the disasters caused by climate change. From American actor Leonardo DiCaprio to the Latin American indigenous woman Diana Rios, from American former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore to the progressive Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau. They aim
Una nuova versione dell’accordo tra i 196 governi della Cop 21 è stata pubblicata mercoledì. Ancora molto il lavoro da fare nelle ultime ore di negoziati.
Secondo un nuovo studio il Bhutan, grazie alle capacità di assorbimento delle proprie foreste, è il paese che produce meno CO2 al mondo.
Attivisti di Greenpeace, spacciandosi per emissari di grandi imprese, hanno convinto scienziati e docenti a farsi pagare per smontare le tesi ambientaliste.
Secondo uno studio inglese, le emissioni di CO2 potrebbero scendere dello 0,6 per cento nel 2015. I livelli, però, restano ancora troppo alti.
Will this week bring an agreement to keep the world from tipping into irreconcilable climate change? Perhaps, but regardless of the headlines from COP21, something very important is happening. Some of the biggest gains for the environment are happening on the streets of urban areas the world over. Cities at COP21 and beyond are already
The Republic of Kiribati is one of the most affected countries by climate change. By a few decades, it could be wiped from maps.
Sulla facciata della basilica di San Pietro è andato in scena Fiat Lux, uno spettacolo fotografico per aumentare l’attenzione sui cambiamenti climatici e la Cop 21.
Massive Attack’s founder Robert “3D” Del Naja realeased the soundtrack to the short film entitled La Fête est Finie (The party is over) with hip hop group Young Fathers and producer Forest Swords. The film will be premiered at Le Trianon theatre in Paris, where the negotiations on climate change are currently taking place, ahead of concerts by Thom Yorke,