8 women who are changing the world without you even realising

8 women who are changing the world without you even realising

Nina Gualinga She has become the face of the indigenous Kichwa movement to protect the Ecuadorian Amazon from corporate interests. Her village, Sarayaku, sued the Quito Government in 2012, resulting in the protection of its land from oil exploration. Gualinga was present at COP21: she sailed down the River Seine in Paris in a canoe from

Justice in Guatemala. Soldiers found guilty of sexual violence against indigenous women

Justice in Guatemala. Soldiers found guilty of sexual violence against indigenous women

The Guatemalan Supreme Court found defendants Colonel Esteelmer Reyes Girón and former Military Commissioner Heriberto Veldez Asig guilty. They were accused of sexual violence, and sexual and domestic slavery against indigenous Q’echís women from the Sepur Zarco community in eastern Guatemala during the civil war of the 1980s. They were sentenced to 120 and 240 years

Leonardo DiCaprio surprises by dedicating Golden Globe to indigenous peoples

Leonardo DiCaprio surprises by dedicating Golden Globe to indigenous peoples

https://youtu.be/ncgFQAISaGo The Golden Globes, at their 73rd edition, are a glamorous event at the heart of Hollywood, a multi-billion dollar industry often criticised for overwhelmingly representing the worldviews of white males. Thus the mostly hotly anticipated film awards of the year after the Oscars are not an obvious venue for championing indigenous rights. But Leonardo

Indigenous Colombians need their land back says Amnesty International

Indigenous Colombians need their land back says Amnesty International

Six million people had to abandon their lands because of of a 50-year internal war between the military and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc), the country’s largest left-wing rebel group. Over 260,000 people lost their lives during this period and thousands were kidnapped or disappeared, estimates human rights organisation Amnesty International in a report