What the world eats

Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisi, husband and wife, travelled the world documenting eating habits of people of all classes, in different countries. They photographed people with their habitual meal, and their journey became a photographic book entitled What I eat –  Around the World in 80 diets.   The two photographers didn’t only take amazing pictures:

Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisi, husband and wife, travelled the world documenting eating habits of people of all classes, in different countries. They photographed people with their habitual meal, and their journey became a photographic book entitled What I eat –  Around the World in 80 diets.


The two photographers didn’t only take amazing pictures: they also calculated the different calorie count of each diet, discovering interesting elements. For example, a Canadian vegetarian takes in the same calories amount of a Chinese farmer or a Bangladeshi worker.

Here’s the photo feature.


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